Innovative and Intuitive

We believe our technology platforms are ‘world-leading’. We have worked closely with Australian and International sporting communities to ensure our platforms reduce the headaches associated with running and managing competitions.

  • Game

    Conducted via our Game Day App, Website or face-to-face. Accommodating multiple products, multiple users and multiple competitions registration within the one form. It’s simple, easy and intuitive with a sophisticated payment gateway..

  • User Profiling
    and Management

    Every single user and their interaction (whether App or web) is captured within our platform. User history can be exported and linked through an API connection to our partner’s CRM platform.

  • Umpire & Referee

    Integrated with the Game Day App, our Umpire/ Referee platform allows referees to set their preferences, accept/ decline their duties, complete match requirements prior to automatic payment for duties being made (if set by the Umpire official).

  • Incident and
    Disciplinary Management

    Incident and Disciplinary tracking can be made via the Game Day App or Web platform with a date, time, description as well as photo or video recording.

  • Competition

    Accommodating single user, single event and state - wide competitions. Semi- automated player and team grading using a sophisticated algorithm that now makes the entire draw process simple and quick for all sporting levels.

  • Communication

    Your sporting community can now be communicated with throughout the course of the year through notifications, email or through the Game Day app news feature.

  • Custom
    Online Shop

    Our store setup is an easy, hassle-free process. Clubs, Associations and State Bodies simply need to upload their products with pricing, SKU’s and product images. Inventory management is provided and shipping can be arranged.

  • Game Day

    With real-time scoring, player verification, game time recording, incident reporting, advertising platform, team chat, event creation, spectator engagement and so much more.

  • Advertising
    Revenue Stream

    We also offer an advertising platform for Clubs, Associations, State and National bodies to monetise which can provide substantial revenues – either increase the footprint of your existing sponsors or negotiate new sponsors to own this space.



We don't believe in the word ‘client’ - we believe in the word ‘partner’. For both organisations to be successful we need to work together to help you realise your vision and achieve your goals.

Find out more. Contact us today.

    Please email your organisation administrator for any questions or issues.

    Please add your contact details below if your inquiry is regarding Sales and Marketing.